Guia de Periódicos

Colecção de publicações periódicas do ISPA na forma impressa e respectivos acessos ao texto integral.

Para um conhecimento mais alargado das publicações electrónicas existentes, consultar página Web o recurso AtoZ [inserir link]

Acesso em formato electrónico [  ] através das seguintes bases de dados:
AA – Acesso Livre, B-on - Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online, PEP – Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing, PsycArticles, Site – Site da revista
Jornal da Educação 1977-1981
Jornal de Letras Artes e Ideias 1999-
Jornal de Psicologia 1983-1994
Journal de la Psychanalyse de l'Enfant 1986-2004
Journal des Psychologues 1987-1994; 1996-2006
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology (Continua: Journal of Abnormal Psychology) 1965-1969; 1981-2006 [B-on (PsycARTICLES): 1906-]
Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Continuado por Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology) 1952-1955; 1964-1964
Journal of Adult Development 1995-2003 [B-on:1994-]
Journal of Applied Psychology 1952-1955; 1980-2007 [B-on (PsycARTICLES): 1985-]
Journal of Child Language 1984-1999
Journal of Cognitive Psychology (Continua European Journal of Cognitive Psychology) 2010- [B-on: 2012-]
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 1991-2004 [B-on:1991-]
Journal of Community Psychology 1997-2007 [B-on:1989-]
Journal of Creative Behaviour 1994-2005
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 1998-2007
Journal of Early Adolescence 1990-2008
Journal of Educational Psychology 1982-2006 [EBSCO (PsycARTICLES): 1985-]
Journal of Environmental Psychology 1993-2006 [B-on:1995-]
Journal of Ethology 2000-2004 [B-on:1996-]
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 1995-1998 [B-on:1995-]
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 1998-20074 [B-on:1995-]
Journal of Fish Biology 1995-2006 [B-on (ASC): 2003-]
Journal of Instructional Psychology 1986-2002 [B-on (ASC): 1990-]
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 1992-2006 [B-on (ASC): 1992- embargo de 12 meses]
Journal of Occupational Behaviour 1981-1987 [B-on (BSC): 1980-1987]
Journal of Organizational Behaviour 1988- [B-on: 1988-]
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1967-1968; 1981-1987; 1989-2006 [EBSCO (PsycARTICLES): 1965-]
Journal of Personality Assessment 1994- [B-on: 1975-]
Journal of Social Issues 1998-2004 [B-on (ASC): 1998- Embargo de 12 meses]
Journal of Social Psychology 1952-1954 [B-on (ASC): 1975- embargo de 12 meses]
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 1995-1998
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1992-2006 [EBSCO (PEP): 1953-2006]
Journal of the Experimental Analysis Behavior 1965-1969 [OA (PubMed): 1958-
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1995-
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 2003-2005