e-Book - Homelessness as Unfairness

e-Book - Homelessness as Unfairness

Homelessness as Unfairness



Repositório do ISPA



The E-Book is one of the HOME_EU (GA/726997) deliverables and it is focused on information that was not comprehensively described in the sectorial studies integrated into each of the Work-packages. This E-Book provides the description of the overall research designs and methods selected to accomplish the overall project aims, as well as the implementation challenges of trans-national research efforts (many already included in procedural documents produced during the project). We also provide critical reflections the authors found to be relevant for the future. The other aim of this E-book is the presentation of the development of Housing First Programs within the European Partner Countries, bringing in the vision and challenge of partner organizations implementing programs in diverse communities in very different stages of development. Therefore, the content is composed of two main sections, one with a Research focus, and the other related to Housing First program development within partner countries.



Ornelas, J., Vargas-Moniz, M. J. (Eds.) & the HOME_EU consortium study Group (2021) Homelessness as Unfairness. Lisbon: ISPA - Instituto Universitário. ISBN: 978-989-8384-62-1.

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