Bruner, J. (1966). Studies in cognitive growth. New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). Studies in cognitive growth. New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1976). Relevance of education. Middesex: Penguin Books. [D BRUN1].
Bruner, J. (1978). Toward a theory of instruction. Harvard: Belknap. [DR].
Bruner, J. (1983). Comment les enfants apprennent a parler. Paris: Retz. [D BRUN6].
Bruner, J. (1983). Développement de l'enfant: Savoir faire, savoir dire. Paris: PUF. [D BRUN1].
Bruner, J. (1983). Habla del niño: Cognición y desarrollo humano. Buenos Aires: Paidos. [L BRUN1].
Bruner, J. (1984). Accion, pensamiento y linguaje. Madrid: Alianza. [D BRUN2].
Bruner, J., Goodnow, J. & Austin, G. [1986]. Study of thinking. New Brunswick: Transaction Books. [D BRUN5].
Bruner, J., & Bornstein, M. (1989). Interaction in human development. Hillsdale: Lea. [D BORN1].
Bruner, J. (1990). Actos de significado para uma psicologia cultural. Lisboa: Edições 70. ISBN 972-44-0951-1. [D BRUN9].
Bruner, J. (1990). Actos de significado: Mas alla de la revolucion cognitiva. Madrid: Alianza. [D BRUN7].
Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [D BRUN8]
Bruner, J. (1997). Culture of education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [D BRUN4A]
Bruner, J. (1998). O processo da educação. Lisboa: Edições 70. ISBN 978-972-44-1474-4. [D BRUN12].
Bruner, J. (1999). Para uma teoria da educação. Lisboa: Relógio d'Água. ISBN 972-708-543-1. [E2 BRUN1A].
Bruner, J. (2000). Cultura da educação. Lisboa: Edições 70. ISBN 972-44-1026-9. [D BRUN11]
Bruner, J. (2002). Making stories: Law, literature, life. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 0-374-20024-6. [D BRUN10].
Bruner, J. (2007). Como as crianças aprendem a falar. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget. ISBN 978-972-771-909-9. [D BRUN14]
Bruner, J. (2008). Sobre o conhecimento: Ensaios da mão esquerda. São Paulo: Phorte. ISBN 975-85-7655-052-5. [D BRUN13].
Bruner, J. (1966). Studies in cognitive growth. New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bornstein, M., & Bruner, J. (1989). On interaction. In: M. Bornstein, J. Bruner (Ed.). Interaction in human development (pp. 1-14). Hillsdale: Lea. [D BORN1].
Bruner, J. (1966). Preface. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. XII -XVI). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). On cognitive growth I. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 1-29. New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J., & Kenney, H. (1966). On cognitive growth II. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 30-67). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J., & Kenney, H. (1966). On multiple ordering. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 154-167). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). On relational concepts. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 168-182). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). On the conservation of liquids. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 183-207). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). An overview. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 319-326). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1969). Processes of growth in infancy. In: A. Ambrose (Ed.). Stimulation in early infancy (pp. 205-228). New York: Academic Press. [D AMBR1].
Bruner, J. (1972). Some theorems on instruction. In: E. Stones (Ed.). Readings in educational psychology: learning and teaching (pp. 112-124). London: Methuen. [DR].
Bruner, J. (1972). Course of cognitive growth. In: A. Cashdan (Ed.). Language in education: A source book (pp. 161-166). [S.l.]: Routledge & Keagan Paul. [L OPEN2].
Bruner, J. (1977). Course of cognitive growth. In: D. Child (Ed.). Readings in psychology for the teacher. London: Holt, Rinehart And Winston (pp. 206-219). [DR].
Bruner, J. (1979). Sobre la conservacion de los liquidos. In: J. Delval (Ed.). Lecturas de psicologia del nino: Desarollo cognitivo y afectivo del nino. (pp. 110-127). Madrid: Alianza. [D DELV2].
Bruner, J. (1979). Compatriote et etranger: Une etude de la formation des impressions dans trois. In: W. Doise (Ed.). Experiences entre groupes (pp. 227-241). Paris: Mouton. [Sem Cota].
Bruner, J. (1980). Desenvolvimento dos processos de representação na infância. In: J. Jesuino, L. Joyce-Moniz, O. Pereira (Eds.). Criança e o mundo: Antologia de textos de psicologia do desenvolvimento da criança (pp. 121-132). Lisboa: Moraes. [D PERE1].
Bruner, J. (1982). From disposition to context. In: J. Bruner (Ed). Psychologie de demain (pp. 73-84). Paris: Puf. [Sem Cota].
Bruner, J. (1983). Intuitive and analytic thinking. In: M. Donaldson, R. Grieve. C. (Eds.). Early childhood development and education. readings in psychology (pp. 237-244). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [D DONA2].
Bruner, J. (1983). A organização das primeiras acções especializadas. In: M. Richards (Ed.) .Integração da criança no mundo social (pp. 209-230). Lisboa: Horizonte. [D RICH1A].
Bruner, J. (1983). Contexts & formats. In: M. Moscato, G. Pieraut-Le Bonniec (Ed.). Le langage: Constrution et actualisation (pp. 69-79). Rouen: Unin Rouen. [L MOSC1].
Bruner, J. (1984). Language, mind, and reading. In: H. Goelman, A. Oberg (Eds.). Awakening to literacy (pp. 93-200). Portsmouth: H.E.B. [E2 GOEL1].
Bruner, J. (1985). Vygotsky: A historical and conceptual perspective. In: J. Wertsch (Ed.). Culture, communication, and cognition: Vygotskian perspectives. (pp. 21-34). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. [D WERT2].
Bruner, J. (1986). Comunicacion al lenguage: Una perspectiva psicologica. In: A. Perinat (Ed.). Comunicacion preverbal (pp. 208-262). Barcelona: Avesta. [L PERI1].
Bruner, J. (1987). From community to talking. In: B. Mayor, A. Pugh (Eds.). Language, communication and education. (pp. 241-257) London: Open University. [L MAYO1].
Bruner, J. (1989). Transactional self. In: P. Murphy, B. Moon (Eds.). Developments in learning and assessment (pp. 37-47). London: Hodder & Stoughton. [E2 MURP1].
Bruner, J. (1992). Narrative construction of reality. In: H. Beilin, P. Pufall (Eds.). Piaget's theory: Prospects and possibilities (pp. 229-248). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum. [D BELI1].
Bruner, J. (1994). View from the heart's eye: A commentary. In: P. Niedenthal S. Kitayama (Eds.). Heart's eye: Emotional influences in perception and attention (pp. 269-286). San Diego: Academic Press. [P2 NIED1].
Bruner, J. (1994). Narrative construction of reality. In: M. Ammaniti, D. Stern (Eds.). Psychoanalysis and development : Representations and narratives (pp. 15-38). New York: New York University. [C3 AMMA1].
Bruner, J. (1995). Reflecting on russian consciousness. In: L. Martin. Nelson, E. Tobach (Eds.). Sociocultural psychology: Theory and practice of doing and knowing (pp. 67-85). Cambridge: Cambridge University. [D MART/L1].
Bruner, J. (1995). Meaning and self in cultural perspective. In: D. Bakhurst, C. (Eds.). Sypnowich Social self (pp. 18-29). Thousand Oaks: Sage. [S1 BAKH/D1].
Bruner, J. & Sherwood, V. (1997). Early rule structure: The case of peekaboo. In: M. Gauvain, M. Cole (Eds.). Readings on the development of children (2nd. ed.) (pp. 3-78). New York: W.H. Freeman And Company. [D GAUV1].
Bruner, J (1997). From communicating to talking. In: M. Gauvain, M. Cole (Eds.).Readings on the development of children (2nd ed.) pp. 131-139). New York : W.H. Freeman And Company. [D GAUV1].
Bruner, J. (2000). Piaget et Vygotsky: Celebrons la divergence. In: O. Houde, C. Meljac (Eds.). Esprit piagetien: hommage international a Jean Piaget (pp. 237-253). Paris: PUF. [D HOUD2].
Ginsburg, B., Freedman, D., & Bruner, J. (1969). Phenotypic and genotypic variation, early stimulation and cognitive development. In: P. Bateson, D. Freedman, M. Ainsworth, R. Schaffer, J. Kagan (Eds.). Stimulation in early infancy (pp. 261-267). New York: Academic Press. [D AMBR1].
Hamburg, D., & Bruner, J. (1969). Applying the infantile stimulation model to research on human infants. In: P. Bateson, D. Freedman, M. Ainsworth, R. Schaffer, J. Kagan (Eds.). Stimulation in early infancy (pp. 97-105). New York: Academic Press. [D AMBR1].
Olson, D., & Bruner, J. (1996). Folk psychology and folk pedagogy. In: D. Olson, N. Torrance (Eds.). Handbook of education and human development : new models of learning, teaching and schooling (pp. 9-27). Malden: Blackwell. [E2 OLSO/D1].
Postman, L., & Bruner, & J. Macginnies, E. (1965). Personal values as selective factors in perception. In: R. Teevan, R. Birney (Eds.). Readings for introductory psychology (pp. 162-173). New York : Harcourt, Brace & World. [DR]
Postman, L., & Bruner, & J. Macginnies, E. (1968). Valeurs personnelles en tant que facteurs sélectifs dans la perception. In: A. Lévy (Ed.). Psychologie sociale: Textes fundamentaux, anglais et américains (pp. 125-138). Paris: Dunod. [R LEVY1].
Taguri, R., Bruner, J., & Blake, R. (1968). Relations entre sentiments et perception des sentiments parmi les membre de petits groups. In: A. Lévy (Ed.). Psychologie sociale: Textes fundamentaux, anglais et américains (pp. 110-124). Paris : Dunod. [R LEVY1].
Bornstein, M., & Bruner, J. (1989). On interaction. In: M. Bornstein, J. Bruner (Ed.). Interaction in human development (pp. 1-14). Hillsdale: Lea. [D BORN1].
Bruner, J. (1966). Preface. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. XII -XVI). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). On cognitive growth I. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 1-29. New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J., & Kenney, H. (1966). On cognitive growth II. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 30-67). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J., & Kenney, H. (1966). On multiple ordering. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 154-167). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). On relational concepts. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 168-182). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). On the conservation of liquids. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 183-207). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1966). An overview. In: J. Bruner (Ed.). Studies in cognitive growth (pp. 319-326). New York: John Wiley. [D BRUN3].
Bruner, J. (1969). Processes of growth in infancy. In: A. Ambrose (Ed.). Stimulation in early infancy (pp. 205-228). New York: Academic Press. [D AMBR1].
Bruner, J. (1972). Some theorems on instruction. In: E. Stones (Ed.). Readings in educational psychology: learning and teaching (pp. 112-124). London: Methuen. [DR].
Bruner, J. (1972). Course of cognitive growth. In: A. Cashdan (Ed.). Language in education: A source book (pp. 161-166). [S.l.]: Routledge & Keagan Paul. [L OPEN2].
Bruner, J. (1977). Course of cognitive growth. In: D. Child (Ed.). Readings in psychology for the teacher. London: Holt, Rinehart And Winston (pp. 206-219). [DR].
Bruner, J. (1979). Sobre la conservacion de los liquidos. In: J. Delval (Ed.). Lecturas de psicologia del nino: Desarollo cognitivo y afectivo del nino. (pp. 110-127). Madrid: Alianza. [D DELV2].
Bruner, J. (1979). Compatriote et etranger: Une etude de la formation des impressions dans trois. In: W. Doise (Ed.). Experiences entre groupes (pp. 227-241). Paris: Mouton. [Sem Cota].
Bruner, J. (1980). Desenvolvimento dos processos de representação na infância. In: J. Jesuino, L. Joyce-Moniz, O. Pereira (Eds.). Criança e o mundo: Antologia de textos de psicologia do desenvolvimento da criança (pp. 121-132). Lisboa: Moraes. [D PERE1].
Bruner, J. (1982). From disposition to context. In: J. Bruner (Ed). Psychologie de demain (pp. 73-84). Paris: Puf. [Sem Cota].
Bruner, J. (1983). Intuitive and analytic thinking. In: M. Donaldson, R. Grieve. C. (Eds.). Early childhood development and education. readings in psychology (pp. 237-244). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [D DONA2].
Bruner, J. (1983). A organização das primeiras acções especializadas. In: M. Richards (Ed.) .Integração da criança no mundo social (pp. 209-230). Lisboa: Horizonte. [D RICH1A].
Bruner, J. (1983). Contexts & formats. In: M. Moscato, G. Pieraut-Le Bonniec (Ed.). Le langage: Constrution et actualisation (pp. 69-79). Rouen: Unin Rouen. [L MOSC1].
Bruner, J. (1984). Language, mind, and reading. In: H. Goelman, A. Oberg (Eds.). Awakening to literacy (pp. 93-200). Portsmouth: H.E.B. [E2 GOEL1].
Bruner, J. (1985). Vygotsky: A historical and conceptual perspective. In: J. Wertsch (Ed.). Culture, communication, and cognition: Vygotskian perspectives. (pp. 21-34). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. [D WERT2].
Bruner, J. (1986). Comunicacion al lenguage: Una perspectiva psicologica. In: A. Perinat (Ed.). Comunicacion preverbal (pp. 208-262). Barcelona: Avesta. [L PERI1].
Bruner, J. (1987). From community to talking. In: B. Mayor, A. Pugh (Eds.). Language, communication and education. (pp. 241-257) London: Open University. [L MAYO1].
Bruner, J. (1989). Transactional self. In: P. Murphy, B. Moon (Eds.). Developments in learning and assessment (pp. 37-47). London: Hodder & Stoughton. [E2 MURP1].
Bruner, J. (1992). Narrative construction of reality. In: H. Beilin, P. Pufall (Eds.). Piaget's theory: Prospects and possibilities (pp. 229-248). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum. [D BELI1].
Bruner, J. (1994). View from the heart's eye: A commentary. In: P. Niedenthal S. Kitayama (Eds.). Heart's eye: Emotional influences in perception and attention (pp. 269-286). San Diego: Academic Press. [P2 NIED1].
Bruner, J. (1994). Narrative construction of reality. In: M. Ammaniti, D. Stern (Eds.). Psychoanalysis and development : Representations and narratives (pp. 15-38). New York: New York University. [C3 AMMA1].
Bruner, J. (1995). Reflecting on russian consciousness. In: L. Martin. Nelson, E. Tobach (Eds.). Sociocultural psychology: Theory and practice of doing and knowing (pp. 67-85). Cambridge: Cambridge University. [D MART/L1].
Bruner, J. (1995). Meaning and self in cultural perspective. In: D. Bakhurst, C. (Eds.). Sypnowich Social self (pp. 18-29). Thousand Oaks: Sage. [S1 BAKH/D1].
Bruner, J. & Sherwood, V. (1997). Early rule structure: The case of peekaboo. In: M. Gauvain, M. Cole (Eds.). Readings on the development of children (2nd. ed.) (pp. 3-78). New York: W.H. Freeman And Company. [D GAUV1].
Bruner, J (1997). From communicating to talking. In: M. Gauvain, M. Cole (Eds.).Readings on the development of children (2nd ed.) pp. 131-139). New York : W.H. Freeman And Company. [D GAUV1].
Bruner, J. (2000). Piaget et Vygotsky: Celebrons la divergence. In: O. Houde, C. Meljac (Eds.). Esprit piagetien: hommage international a Jean Piaget (pp. 237-253). Paris: PUF. [D HOUD2].
Ginsburg, B., Freedman, D., & Bruner, J. (1969). Phenotypic and genotypic variation, early stimulation and cognitive development. In: P. Bateson, D. Freedman, M. Ainsworth, R. Schaffer, J. Kagan (Eds.). Stimulation in early infancy (pp. 261-267). New York: Academic Press. [D AMBR1].
Hamburg, D., & Bruner, J. (1969). Applying the infantile stimulation model to research on human infants. In: P. Bateson, D. Freedman, M. Ainsworth, R. Schaffer, J. Kagan (Eds.). Stimulation in early infancy (pp. 97-105). New York: Academic Press. [D AMBR1].
Olson, D., & Bruner, J. (1996). Folk psychology and folk pedagogy. In: D. Olson, N. Torrance (Eds.). Handbook of education and human development : new models of learning, teaching and schooling (pp. 9-27). Malden: Blackwell. [E2 OLSO/D1].
Postman, L., & Bruner, & J. Macginnies, E. (1965). Personal values as selective factors in perception. In: R. Teevan, R. Birney (Eds.). Readings for introductory psychology (pp. 162-173). New York : Harcourt, Brace & World. [DR]
Postman, L., & Bruner, & J. Macginnies, E. (1968). Valeurs personnelles en tant que facteurs sélectifs dans la perception. In: A. Lévy (Ed.). Psychologie sociale: Textes fundamentaux, anglais et américains (pp. 125-138). Paris: Dunod. [R LEVY1].
Taguri, R., Bruner, J., & Blake, R. (1968). Relations entre sentiments et perception des sentiments parmi les membre de petits groups. In: A. Lévy (Ed.). Psychologie sociale: Textes fundamentaux, anglais et américains (pp. 110-124). Paris : Dunod. [R LEVY1].
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