
Temático | Desenvolvimento Comunitário


Ornelas, J., & Moniz, M. (2011). Parcerias comunitárias. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 180 pp. [C8 ORNE/J7].


Dalton, J., Elias, M., & Wandersman, A. (2001). Community psychology: Linking individuals and communities. Belmont: Wadsworth, 488 pp. [C8 DALT1].



Daniels, M. (Ed.) (2001). Creating sustainable community programs: Examples of collaborative public administration. Westport: Praeger, 301 pp. [C8 DANI1].


Fetterman, D. (2001). Foundations of empowerment evaluation. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 173 pp. [C8 FETT2].

Fisher, A., Sonn, C., & Bishop, B. (2002). Psychological sense of community: Researsch, applications and implications. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenun Publishers, 339 pp. [C8 FISC1].

Gracia Fuster, E., Herrero Olaizola, J., & Musitu Ochoa, G. (2002). Evaluación de recursos y estresores psicosociales en la comunidad. Madrid: Síntesis, 156 pp. [C8 GRAC1].

Green, G., & Haines, A. (2008). Asset building and community development (2nd ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE, 301 pp. [C8 GREE1].


Henton, D., Melville, J., & Walesh, K. (1997). Grassroots leaders for a new economy: How civic entrepreneurs are building prosperous communities. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 244 pp. [C8 HENT1].

Hope, A., & Timmel, S. (1999). Training for transformation: A handbook for community workers (book IV). London: ITDG Publishing, 294 pp. [C8 HOPE1].


Israel, B., Eng, E., Schulz, A., & Parker, E., (Eds.). (2005). Methods in community-based participatory research for health. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 479 pp. [C8 ISRA1].

Jason, L., Keys, C., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Taylor, R., & Davis, M. (Eds.). (2004). Participatory community research: Theories and methods in action. Washington: American Psychological Association, 270 pp. [C8 JASO1].

Kelly, J. (2006). Becoming ecological: An expedition into community psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 318 pp. [C8 KELL2].

Kelly, J., & Song, A. (Eds.). (2004). Six community psychologists tell their stories: History, contexts and narrative. Binghamton: Haworth, 161 pp. [C8 KELL1].

Krile, J., Curphy, G., & Lund, D.  (2006). The community leadership handbook: Framing ideas, building relationships, and mobilizing resources. Minnesota: Fieldstone Alliance, 207 pp. [C8 KRIL1].


Nelson, G., Kloos, B., & Ornelas J. (Eds.). (2014). Community psychology and community mental health: Towards transformative change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 401 pp. [C8 NELS5].

Orford, J. (1992). Community psychology: Theory and practice. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 292 pp. [C8 ORFO1].

Ornelas, J., & Moniz, M. (2011). Parcerias comunitárias. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 180 pp. [C8 ORNE/J7].



Ornelas, J. (2008). Psicologia comunitária. Lisboa: Fim de Século, 478 pp. [C8 ORNE/J6].

Ornelas, J., & Maria, S. (Eds.) (2003). Actas da III Conferência Desenvolvimento Comunitário e Saúde Mental: Participação, empowerment, e liderança comunitária. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 257 pp. [C8 ORNE/J4].

Ornelas, J. (Compil.). (2000). Congresso Europeu de Psicologia Comunitária: Lisboa, 6, 7 e 8 de Julho 1998. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 280 pp. [C8 ORNE/J1].

Ornelas, J., & Maria, S. (Eds.). (2000). Actas da 1ª Conferência Desenvolvimento Comunitário e Saúde Mental, Lisboa, 1999. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 263 pp. [C8 ORNE/J2].


Rappaport, J., & Seidman, E. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of community psychology. New York: Kluwer Academic; Plenum Publishers, 1011 pp. [C8 RAPP2].

Rappaport, J. (1977). Community psychology. Values, research and action. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 482 pp. [C8 RAPP1].

Rosenberg, J., & Rosenberg, S. (Eds.). (2006). Community mental health: Challenges for the 21st Century. New York: Routledge, 282 pp. [C8 ROSE1].



Rubin, H., & Rubin, I. (2008). Community organizing and development (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson, 468 pp. [C8 RUBI/H1].


Rubin, H. (2002). Collaborative leadership: Developing effective partnerships in communities and schools. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 111 pp. [C8 RUBI1].


Weil, M., Reisch, M., Gamble, D., Gutiérrez, L., Mulroy, E., & Cnaan, R. (Eds.) (2005). The handbook of community practice. Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 708 pp. [C8 WEIL1].


Publicações periódicas
Periódicos temáticos


Ageing and community [Número temático].  Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 24(1), 2014.


Case studies in community and social psychology [Número temático]. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 22(5), 2012.



Comunidade [Número temático]. Análise Psicológica, 8(2), 1990.



Intervenção comunitária [Número temático]. Análise Psicológica, 15(3), 1997.


Mediated communities: Considerations for applied social psychology [Número temático].  Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology,  17(4), 2007.


Power in community psychology research and practice [Número temático].  Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 17(6), 2007.



Psicologia comunitária [Número temático].  Análise Psicológica, 25(1), 2010.



Psicologia comunitária e desenvolvimento [Número temático].  Análise Psicológica, 28(3), 2010.



Reforming Home Care in Ageing Societies [Número temático]. Health & Social Care in the Community, 20(3), 2012.


Social psychology & citizenship [Número temático]. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21(3), 2011.


The modern city as a community [Número temático].  Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology,  11(6), 2001. 


Alguns periódicos disponiveis




American Journal of Community Psychology. Springer (B-ON), 1997 até hoje.


Annals of Community Health. Akash Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, 2013 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE].


Australian Community Psychologist. Australian Psychological Society, 2006 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE].

City & Community. Wiley (B-ON), 2002 até hoje.


Community Development Journal. Oxford Journals, 1966 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE durante 2015].

Community Mental Health Journal. Springer (B-ON/PORT), 1997 até hoje.

Gatherings: Journal of the International Community for Ecopsychology. International Community for Ecopsychology, 1999 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE].

Health & Social Care in the Community. Wiley (B-ON), 1997 até hoje.

Indian Journal of Community Health. Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, 2009 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE].
International Journal of Social Networking and Virtual Communities. Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2012 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE].

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. Wiley (B-ON), 1996 até hoje.


Journal of Community Health. Springer (B-ON/PORT), 1997 até hoje.

Journal of Community Positive Practices. Association for Social and Economic Development and Promotion of Catalactica, 2012 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE]. 

Journal of Community Psychology. Wiley (B-ON) 1996 até hoje.

Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, 2012 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE]. 

Journal of Housing and Community Development. Business Source Complete, 1995 até hoje.

Journal of Rural and Community Development. Department of Rural Development, 2005 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE].

Learning Communities Research and Practice. The Evergreen State College, 2013 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE].



Psychology, Community & Health. PsychOpen, 2012 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE]. 

National Journal of Community Medicine. SMIMER Medical College, 2010 até hoje.

School Community JournalAcademic Development Institute. 1991 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE]. 

Studies on Home and Community Science. Kamla-Raj2007 até hoje [ACESSO LIVRE]. 






Aquilar, F., & Galluccio, M. (2008). Psychological processes in international negotiations: Theoretical and practical perspectives. New York: Springer.

Bascia, K., Shragge, N., & Church, K. (2008). Learning through community. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.

Berryman, A., &  Kindlmann, P. (2008). Population systems: A general introduction. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.

Besselaar, P., Michelis, G., Preece, J., & Simone, C. (Eds.).  (2005).  Communities and technologies: Proceedings of the second communities and technologies conference, Milano 2005. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.

Borzillo, S. (2007). Communities of practice to actively manage best practices. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag.

Bruhn, J. (2005). The sociology of community connections. New York: Springer. 10.1007/b107785


Clark, W. (2009). Sustainable communities. New York: Springer.

Coughlan, R., & Owens-Manley, J. (2006). Bosnian refugees in America: New communities, new cultures (Clinical sociology). New York: Springer.

Darling, L., Erickson, G., & Clarke, C. (2007). Collective improvisation in a teacher education community. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.


Fonseca-Becker, F., & Boore, A. (2008). Community health care's o-process for evaluation: a participatory approach for increasing sustainability. New York: Springer.

Garbarino, J. (2008). Children and the dark side of human experience: Confronting global realities and rethinking child development. New York: Springer.

Goldenson, J., Bick, J., & Greifinger, R. (2007). Public health behind bars: From prisons to communities. New York: Springer.

Gullotta, T., Hampton, R., & Ramos, J. (2006). Interpersonal Violence in the African-American Community. New York: Springer.

Halliday, J., & Hager, P. (2006). Recovering informal learning: Wisdom, judgement and community. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.

Hamerla, R. (2006). American Scientist on the Research Frontier: Edward Morley, Community, and Radical Ideas in Nineteenth-century Science. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.

Heemskerk, E. (2007). Decline of the corporate community: Network Dynamics of the dutch business elite. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [ACESSO LIVRE].


Jason, L., & Glenwick, D. (Eds). (2012). Methodological approaches to community-based research. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Jason, L., Keys, C., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Taylor, R., & Davis, M., (Eds.). (2004). Participatory community research: Theories and methods in action. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Kline, K. (2008). Authoritative communities: The scientific case for nurturing the whole child. Springer:  New York.

Kuser, J. (2007) Urban and community forestry in the northeast. New York: Springer.

Lahiri-Dutt, K. (Ed.). (2011). Gendering the field: Towards sustainable livelihoods for mining communities. Canberra: Australian National University. [ACESSO LIVRE].

Leonard, L. (2008).  The environmental movement in Ireland. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.


Maton, K., Cynthia J., & Leadbeater, B. & Solarz, A. (Eds). (2004). Investing in children, youth, families, and communities: Strengths-based research and policy. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Milofsky, C., & Cnaan, R. (2007). Handbook of community movements and local organizations. New York: Springer.

Montero, M., Prilleltensky, I., Riemer, M. & Reich, S. (2007) International community psychology: History and theories. New York: Springer.


Moore, K., & Lippman, L. (2005). What do children need to flourish?: Conceptualizing and measuring indicators of positive development New York: Springer.

Nadal, K. (2013). That's so gay! Microaggressions and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Noriko, H. (2009).  Communities of Practice: Fostering peer-to-peer learning and informal knowledge sharing in the work place. Berlin: Springer Berlin.

Pickering, S., Wright-Neville, D., & McCulloch, J. (2008). Counter-terrorism policing: Community, cohesion and security. Springer:  New York.


Programa Nacional para a Saúde Mental (2014). Portugal: Saúde mental em números – 2014. Lisboa: Direção-Geral da Saúde. [ACESSO LIVRE].


Purcell, P. (2006) Networked neighbourhoods: The connected community in context. London: Springer London.

Rhodes, J., Clary, E. (2006) Mobilizing Adults for positive youth development: Strategies for closing the gap between beliefs and behaviors. New York: Springer.

Sandercock, L., & Attili, G. (2009).  Where strangers become neighbours: Integrating immigrants in Vancouver, Canada. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.


Sardinha, J. (2009). Immigrant associations, integration and identity: Angolan, Brazilian and eastern european communities in Portugal. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [ACESSO LIVRE].
Schank, J., & Skovholt, T. (2006). Ethical practice in small communities challenges and rewards for psychologists (1st ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association.

Schutkowski, H. (2006). Human ecology: Biocultural adaptations in human communities. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Sheras, P., & Koch-Sheras, P. (2006). Couple power therapy building commitment, cooperation, communication, and community in relationships (1st ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association.

Slonim, J., Schulthess, P., Kropf, P., & Plaice, J. (2002). Distributed communities on the web. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Swain, D., Rahtz, D., & Sirgy, M. (2006). Community quality-of-life indicators: Best cases II. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.

Toch, H., & Grant, J. (2005). Police as problem solvers: How frontline workers can promote organizational and community change (2nd ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association.


Tolan, P., (Ed.). (1990). Researching community psychology: Issues of theory and methods. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Trickett, P. (1998). Violence against children in the family and the community. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Tyler, F. (2007). Developing prosocial communities across cultures. New York: Springer.


VanderVen, K. (2008). Promoting positive development in early childhood: Building blocks for a successful start. New York: Springer.

Wahl, H., Brenner, B., & Mollenkopf, H. (2006). The many faces of health, competence and well-being in old age: Integrating epidemiological, psychological and social perspectives. Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands.

Wilkinson, E., Turin, M., & Wheeler, C. (Eds.). (2013). Oral literature in the digital age: Archiving orality and connecting with communities. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. [ACESSO LIVRE].



Wong, S. (2007) Exploring 'unseen' social capital in community participation: everyday lives of poor mainland chinese migrants in Hong Kong. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [ACESSO LIVRE].

Wood, F., Naidoo, J., Glassman, D., Helmore, K., & O'Gara, C. (2007). Community schools in Africa: Reaching the unreached. Springer:  New York.


Capiberibe, J. sen. & Capberibe, J., dep. (2005). Projectos para o desenvolvimento do Amapá. Lisboa; ISPA, Centro de Audiovisuais, 1 disco óptico (DVD). [V1.13 CEI1].

Chavis, D. &, Centro de Investigação e Intervenção (2006). Building community capacity to make changes. Lisboa: ISPA, Centro de Audiovisuais, 1 disco óptico (DVD). [V1.13 CCPC34].

Kelly, J. (2003). Exemplars of community Psychology. Chicago: Library of Health Sciences, 2 DVD. [V1.13 KELL1].

Koller, S., & ISPA - Centro de Investigação e Intervenção (2007). Intervir, investigar, informar: Desafios no trabalho com crianças, jovens e famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social e pessoal no Brasil. Lisboa : ISPA, Centro de Audiovisuais, 1 disco óptico (DVD). [V1.13 CCPC36].

Moniz, M. (2013). Eficácia e resultados de parcerias comunitárias: Um estudo multi-método sobre comissões de protecção de crianças e jovens. Lisboa : ISPA, Centro de Design e Comunicação. 1 disco óptico (DVD). [V1.13 CCCI15].


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