
2 | Novembro 2016



  Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto 2016    


Semana Internacional de Acesso Aberto 2016

24-30 de Outubro de 2016



O ISPA-Instituto Universitário no âmbito das comemorações da Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto  que decorre de 24 a 30 de Outubro tem programado um conjunto de actividades dirigidas para toda a população académica dinamizadas pelo Centro de Documentação e que visam sensibilizar para os benefícios da disponibilização das publicações em acesso aberto e dos resultados da investigação científica como garantia para o progresso científico.



A ciência que por cá se faz


Abreu, R., Cruz, A., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Social dominance modulates eavesdropping in zebrafish. Royal Society Open Science, 2(8), 150220. doi: 10.1098/rsos.150220


Alegria, S., Carvalho, I., Sousa, D., Correia, E. A., Fonseca, J., Pires, B. S., & Fernandes, S. (2016). Process and outcome research in existential psychotherapy. Existential Analysis, 27(1), 78-92.


Almada, F., Casas, L., Francisco, S., Villegas-Ríos, D., Saborido-Rey, F., Irigoien, X., & Robalo, J. (2016). On the absence of genetic differentiation between morphotypes of the ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta (Labridae). Marine Biology, 163, 86. doi: 10.1007/s00227-016-2860-8


Almada, F., Levy, A., & Robalo, J. (2016). Not so sluggish: The success of the Felimare picta complex (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia) crossing Atlantic biogeographic barriers. PEERJ, 4, e1561. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1561


Alves, D., Amorim, M., & Fonseca, P. (2016). Assessing acoustic communication active space in the Lusitanian toadfish. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(Pt 8), 1122-1129. doi: 10.1242/jeb.134981


Amorim, M., Conti, C., Sousa-Santos, C., Novais, B., Gouveia, M., Vicente, J., ... Fonseca, P. (2016). Reproductive success in the Lusitanian toadfish: Influence of calling activity, male quality and experimental design. Physiology & Behavior, 15517-24. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.11.033


Amorim, T., Andriolo, A., Reis, S., & Santos, M. (2016). Vocalizations of Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis): Characterization, effect of physical environment and differences between populations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 139(3), 1285. doi: 10.1121/1.4943556


Beveren, E. , Klein, M., Serrão, E., Gonçalves, E., & Borges, R. (2016). Early life history of larvae and early juvenile Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus off the Portuguese west coast. Fisheries Research, 183111-118. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2016.05.018


Boavida, T., Aguiar, C., McWilliam, R., & Correia, N. (2016). Effects of an in-service training program using the routines-based interview. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 36(2), 67-77. doi: 10.1177/0271121415604327


Borges, A., Pereira, N., Franco, M., Vale, L., Pereira, M., Cunha, M., ... Rebelo, M. (2016). Implementation of a Zebrafish Health Program in a Research Facility: A 4-Year Retrospective Study. Zebrafish, 13(Supplement 1), S-115-S-126. doi: 10.1089/zeb.2015.1230


Boulinier, T., Kada, S., Ponchon, A., Dupraz, M., Dietrich, M., Gamble, A., & ... McCoy, K. (2016). Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation?. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 56(2), 330-342. doi: 10.1093/icb/icw015


Campioni, L., Delgado, M., & Penteriani, V. (2016). Pattern of repeatability in the movement behaviour of a long-lived territorial species, the eagle owl. Journal of Zoology, 298(3), 191-197. doi: 10.1111/jzo.12301


Campioni, L., Granadeiro, J., & Catry, P. (2016). Niche segregation between immature and adult seabirds: Does progressive maturation play a role?. Behavioral Ecology, 27(2), 426-433. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv167


Campos, J., Spexoto, M., Serrano, S., & Maroco, J. (2016). Psychometric characteristics of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-general when applied to Brazilian cancer patients: A cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 14:8. doi: 10.1186/s12955-015-0400-8


Carvalho, J., Pinto, A. M., & Marôco, J. (2016). Results of a mindfulness-based social-emotional learning program on portuguese elementary students and teachers: A quasi-experimental study. Mindfulness, doi: 10.1007/s12671-016-0603-z


Carvalho, J., Pereira, N., Pinto, A., & Marôco, J. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Mental Health Continuum - Short Form: A study of Portuguese speaking children/youths. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(7), 2141-2154. doi:  10.1007/s10826-016-0396-7


Castanheira, F., Chambel, M., Moretto, C., Sobral, F., & Cesário, F. (2016). The role of leadership in the motivation to work in a call center. In M. J. Chambel, M. J. Chambel (Eds.), Self-determination theory in new work arrangements (pp. 107-127). Hauppauge, NY, US: Nova Science Publishers.


Catry, P., Campos, A. R., Granadeiro, J. P., Neto, J. M., Ramos, J., Newton, J., & Bearhop, S. (2016). Provenance does matter: Links between winter trophic segregation and the migratory origins of European robins.  Oecologia, 1-10. doi: 10.1007/s00442-016-3725-z


Coelho, S., Guerreiro, M., Chester, C., Silva, D., Maroco, J., Coelho, M., & ... de Mendonça, A. (2016). Time perception in mild cognitive impairment: Interval length and subjective passage of time. Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society, 22(7), 755-764. doi:


Coimbra, Z., Assis, C., Silva, V., & Santos, M. (2016). Mark-recapture abundance estimate of tucuxi dolphins (Sotalia fluviatilis) in a lake system of the Central Amazon. Marine Mammal Science, 32(1), 241. doi: 10.1111/mms.12254


Costa, J., Marôco, J., Pinto‐Gouveia, J., & Ferreira, N. (2016). Depression and physical disability in chronic pain: The mediation role of emotional intelligence and acceptance. Australian Journal Of Psychology, 12, 2016. doi: 10.1111/ajpy.12131


Costa, R., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Maladaptive defense mechanisms are associated with decoupling of testosterone from sexual desire in women of reproductive age. Neuropsychoanalysis, 17(2), 121-134. doi: 10.1080/15294145.2015.1089184


Costa, R. M., Pestana, J., Costa, D., & Wittmann, M. (2016). Altered states of consciousness are related to higher sexual responsiveness. Consciousness and Cognition, 42135-141. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2016.03.013


Costa, R., Oliveira, T., Pestana, J., & Costa, D. (2016). Self-transcendence is related to higher female sexual desire. Personality and Individual Differences, 96191-197. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.02.078


Costa-Martins, J., Ramos, M., Cascais, M., Silva, C., Martins, H., Pereira, M., & ... Tavares, J. (2016). Adult attachment style and cortisol responses in women in late pregnancy. BMC Psychology, 41. doi: 10.1186/s40359-016-0105-8


Couto, M., Quelhas, A., & Juhos, C. (2010). Necessidade de cognição, memória de trabalho e recuperação de contra-exemplos para condicionais causais. = Need for cognition, working memory and counter-example retrieval for causal conditionals. Psychologica, 53, 183-216. doi: 10.14195/1647-8606_53_9


Dias, M., Romero, J., Granadeiro, J., Catry, T., Pollet, I., & Catry, P. (2016). Distribution and at-sea activity of a nocturnal seabird, the Bulwer's petrel Bulweria bulwerii, during the incubation period. Deep-Sea Research Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers, 113, 49-56. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2016.03.006


Fagundes, T., Simões, M., Saraiva, J., Ros, A., Gonçalves, D., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Birth date predicts alternative life-history pathways in a fish with sequential reproductive tactics. Functional Ecology, 29(12), 1533-1542. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12465


Farias, A., Garrido, M., & Semin, G. (2016). Embodiment of abstract categories in space… grounding or mere compatibility effects? The case of politics. Acta Psychologica, 166, 49-53. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2016.03.002


Félix, P., Amorim, M., Pereira, T., Fonseca, P., Sousa-Santos, C., & Costa, J. (2016). Feeding ecology and life-history strategy of nesting males in a fish with long parental care, Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus, Batrachoididae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(3), 657. doi: 10.1017/S0025315415001022


Ferrajão, P., & Oliveira, R. (2016). Portuguese war veterans: Moral injury and factors related to recovery from PTSD. Qualitative Health Research, 26(2), 204-214. doi:  10.1177/1049732315573012


Ferrajão, P., & Oliveira, R. (2016). The effects of combat exposure, abusive violence, and sense of coherence on PTSD and depression in Portuguese colonial war veterans. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 8(1), 1-8. doi: 10.1037/tra0000043


Ferreira, M., Mata, A., Donkin, C., Sherman, S., & Ihmels, M. (2016). Analytic and heuristic processes in the detection and resolution of conflict. Memory & Cognition, doi: 10.3758/s13421-016-0618-7


Frasquilho, D., Matos, M., Marques, A., Gaspar, T., & Almeida, J.(2016). Distress and unemployment: The related economic and noneconomic factors in a sample of unemployed adults. International Journal of Public Health, 61, 821–828. doi: 10.1007/s00038-016-0806-z


Gamito, P., Morais, D., Oliveira, J., Brito, R., Rosa, P., & Matos, M. (2016). Frequency is not enough: Patterns of use associated with risk of Internet addiction in Portuguese adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, 471-478. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.01.013


Garcia-Marques, T., Mackie, D., Maitner, A., & Claypool, H. (2016). Moderation of the familiarity-stereotyping effect: The role of stereotype fit. Social Cognition, 34(2), 81-96. doi: 10.1521/soco.2016.34.2.81


Garcia-Marques, T., Prada, M., & Mackie, D. M. (2016). Familiarity increases subjective positive affect even in non-affective and non-evaluative contexts. Motivation and Emotion, doi: 10.1007/s11031-016-9555-9


Garcia-Marques, T., Silva, R., & Mello, J. (2016). Judging the truth-value of a statement in and out of a deep processing context. Social Cognition, 34(1), 40. doi: 10.1521/soco.2016.34.1.40


Gaspar, R., Pedro, C., Panagiotopoulos, P., & Seibt, B. (2016). Beyond positive or negative: Qualitative sentiment analysis of social media reactions to unexpected stressful events. Computers In Human Behavior, 56179-191. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.11.040


Gonçalves, A., Sousa, L., Duarte-Coelho, P., & Almada, V. (2015). Tidal variation in a rocky inter-tidal fish population: The case of white seabream Diplodus sargus juveniles. Marine Ecology, 36(4), 1468-1471. doi: 10.1111/maec.12216


Jorge, P., Marques, P., Pinto, B., & Phillips, J. (2016). Asymmetrical processing of olfactory input in the piriform cortex mediates "activation" of the avian navigation circuitry. Chemical Senses, 0, 1-11. doi: chemse/bjw084


Jorge-Monteiro, M. F., & Ornelas, J. H. (2016). Recovery Assessment Scale: Testing validity with Portuguese community-based mental health organization users. Psychological Assessment, 28(3), e1-e11. doi: 10.1037/pas0000176


Jorge-Monteiro, M., & Ornelas, J. (2016). "What's wrong with the seed?" A comparative examination of an empowering community-centered approach to recovery in community mental health. Community Mental Health Journal, Community Ment Health Journal. Doi: 10.1007/s10597-016-0004-8 [Epub ahead of print]


Lemos, R., Marôco, J., Simões, M., & Santana, I. (2016). Construct and diagnostic validities of the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test in the Alzheimer's disease spectrum. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 1-12. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2016.1176996


Lopes, J., Abril-de-Abreu, R., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Brain transcriptomic response to social eavesdropping in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Plos ONE, 10(12), 1-21. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145801


Luís, A., Couchinho, M., & Santos, M. E. (2016). A quantitative analysis of pulsed signals emitted by wild bottlenose dolphins. Plos ONE, 11(7), 1-11. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157781


Martins, E., Osório, A., Veríssimo, M., & Martins, C. (2016). Emotion understanding in preschool children: The role of executive functions. International. Journal of Behavioral Development, 40(1), doi:  10.10.1177/0165025414556096


Martins, M., Salvador, L., Albuquerque, A., & Silva, C. (2016). Invented spelling activities in small groups and early spelling and reading. Educational Psychology, 36(4), 738. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2014.950947


Melo, G., Maroco, J., Lima-Basto, M., & de Mendonça, A. (2016). Personality of the caregiver influences the use of strategies to deal with the behavior of persons with dementia. Geriatric Nursing, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 30 August 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2016.08.001


Mendonça, R., Gouveia-Pereira, M., & Miranda, M. (2016). Belief in a just world and secondary victimization: The role of adolescent deviant behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 9782-87. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.03.021


Monteiro, M., & Ornelas, J. (2016). "What's Wrong with the Seed?" A comparative examination of an empowering community-centered approach to recovery in community mental health. Community Mental Health Journal. doi: 10.1007/s10597-016-0004-8


Monteiro, V., Mata, L., & Peixoto, F. (2015). Intrinsic motivation inventory: Psychometric properties in the context of first language and mathematics learning. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 28(3), 434-443. doi: 10.1590/1678-7153.201528302


Oliveira, R., Simões, J., Teles, M., Oliveira, C., Becker, J., & Lopes, J. (2016). Assessment of fight outcome is needed to activate socially driven transcriptional changes in the zebrafish brain. PNAS Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 113(5), E654-E661. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1514292113


Patrício, A., Diez, C., Dam, R., & Godley, B. (2016). Novel insights into the dynamics of green turtle fibropapillomatosis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 547 247-255 doi: 10.3354/meps11644


Pechorro, P., Ayala-Nunes, L., Nunes, C., Marôco, J., & Gonçalves, R. (2016). The social anxiety scale for adolescents: Measurement invariance and psychometric properties among a school sample of Portuguese youths. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, doi: 10.1007/s10578-016-0627-6


Pechorro, P., Ray, J. V., Barroso, R., Maroco, J., & Gonçalves, R. A. (2016). Validation of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits Among a Portuguese Sample of Detained Juvenile Offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(3), 349-365. doi: 10.1177/0306624X14551256


Peixoto, F., Sanches, C., Mata, L., & Monteiro, V. (2016). 'How do you feel about math?': Relationships between competence and value appraisals, achievement emotions and academic achievement. European Journal of Psychology of Education [published online 2016-03-24] doi: 10.1007/s10212-016-0299-4


Pereira A., Brito C., Sanches J., Santos C., & Robalo J. (2014). Absence of consistent genetic differentiation among several morphs of Actinia (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) occurring in the Portuguese coast. Zootaxa, 3893(4):595-600. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3893.4.9


Pérez, C., Granadeiro, J., Dias, M., & Catry, P. (2016). Sex and migratory strategy influence corticosterone levels in winter-grown feathers, with positive breeding effects in a migratory pelagic seabird. Oecologia, 181(4), 1025-1033. doi: 10.1007/s00442-016-3625-2


Pimenta, F., Maroco, J., Ramos, C., & Leal, I. (2015). Hot flushes and night sweats in midlife: Why do some women have them and others do not?. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 28(4), 753-763. doi: 10.1590/1678-7153.201528413


Pimentel, M., Faleiro, F., Marques, T., Bispo, R., Dionísio, G., Faria, A., & ... Rosa, R. (2016). Foraging behaviour, swimming performance and malformations of early stages of commercially important fishes under ocean acidification and warming. Climatic Change, 137(3/4), 495-509. doi:


Pinto, A., Gatinho, A., Fernandes, C., & Veríssimo, M. (2015). Efeitos de idade e sexo no autoconceito de crianças pré-escolares. = Age and sex effect on the self-concept of preschool children. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 28(3), 632-638. doi: 10.1590/1678-7153.201528322


Pinto, M., Catry, T., Pedro, P., Gatt, M., & Dias, M. (2016). Brood-guarding behaviour in Bulwer's Petrel (Bulweria bulwerii) at two East Atlantic colonies. Bird Study, 63(1), 148. doi: 10.1080/00063657.2015.1136262


Pires, A., Gonçalves, J., Sá, V., Silva, A., & Sandell, R. (2016). Assessment of change in psychoanalysis: Another way of using the change after psychotherapy scales. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 64(2), 285-305. doi:


Ramos, C., Leal, I., & Tedeschi, R. (2016). Protocol for the psychotherapeutic group intervention for facilitating posttraumatic growth in no metastatic breast cancer patients. BMC Women's Health, 161-9. doi: 10.1186/s12905-016-0302-x


Ramos, V., Canta, G., de Castro, F., & Leal, I. (2016). The relation between attachment, personality, internalizing, and externalizing dimensions in adolescents with borderline personality disorder. Bulletin of The Menninger Clinic, 80(3), 213-233. doi: 10.1521/bumc.2016.80.3.213


Rocha, P., Melo, T., Rebelo, R., & Catry, P. (2015). A significant nesting population of Loggerhead Turtles at the Nature Reserve of Santa Luzia, Cabo Verde. Chelonian Conservation & Biology, 14(2), 161-166. doi: 10.2744/CCB-1143.1


Sacchetto, B., Aguiar, R., Vargas-Moniz, M., Jorge-Monteiro, M., Neves, M., Cruz, M., ... Ornelas, J. (2016). The Capabilities Questionnaire for the Community Mental Health Context (CQ-CMH): A measure inspired by the capabilities approach and constructed through consumer–researcher collaboration. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 39(1), 55-61. doi: 10.1037/prj0000153


Schnohr, C. W., Gobina, I., Santos, T., Mazur, J., Alikasifuglu, M., Välimaa, R., & ... Torsheim, T. (2016). Semantics bias in cross-national comparative analyses: is it good or bad to have "fair" health?. Health & Quality of Life Outcomes, 141-4. doi: 10.1186/s12955-016-0469-8


Silva, C., & Almeida, T. (2015). Programas de intervenção de escritas inventadas: Comparação de uma abordagem transmissiva e construtivista. = Invented spelling training programs: Comparing knowledge-transmission model and the constructivist model of learning. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 28(3), 613-622. doi: 10.1590/1678-7153.201528320


Silva, C., Novais, S., Lemos, M, Mendes, S., Oliveira, A., Gonçalves, E., & Faria, A. (2016). Effects of ocean acidification on the swimming ability, development and biochemical responses of sand smelt larvae. Science of the Total Environment, 563-56489-98. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.091


Silva, M., Matias, R., Ferreira, V., Catry, P., & Granadeiro, J. P. (2016). Searching for a breeding population of Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel at Selvagem Grande, NE Atlantic, with a molecular characterization of occurring birds and relationships within the Hydrobatinae. Journal of Ornithology, 157, 117-123. doi: 10.1007/S10336-015-1257-7


Silva, S., Pires, A. P., & Gouveia, M. J. (2015). Toxicodependência e maternidade: Uma revisão de literatura. = Drug addiction and maternity: A literature review. Psicologia Clínica, 27(1), 83-100. doi: 10.1590/0103-56652015000100005


Sousa-Santos, C., Robalo, J. I., Pereira, A. M., Branco, P., Santos, J. M., Ferreira, M. T., ... Doadrio, I. (2016). Broad-scale sampling of primary freshwater fish populations reveals the role of intrinsic traits, inter-basin connectivity, drainage area and latitude on shaping contemporary patterns of genetic diversity. Peerj, 4e1694. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1694


Spexoto, M., Serrano, S., Halliday, V., Maroco, J., & Campos, J. (2016).Cancer appetite and Symptom Questionnaire (CASQ) for Brazilian patients: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation study. Plos ONE, 11(6), 1-13. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156288


Steimer, A., & Mata, A. (2016). Motivated implicit theories of personality: My weaknesses will go away, but my strengths are here to stay. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(4), 415-429. doi: 10.1177/0146167216629437


Teles, M., & Oliveira, R. (2016). Androgen response to social competition in a shoaling fish. Hormones and Behavior, 788-12. doi:


Vasconcelos, R., Alderks, P., Ramos, A., Fonseca, P., Amorim, M. , & Sisneros, J. (2015). Vocal differentiation parallels development of auditory saccular sensitivity in a highly soniferous fish. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(Pt 18), 2864-2872. doi: 10.1242/jeb.123059


Vaughn, B., Santos, A., Monteiro, L., Shin, N., Daniel, J., Krzysik, L., & Pinto, A. (2016). Social engagement and adaptive functioning during early childhood: Identifying and distinguishing among subgroups differing with regard to social engagement. Developmental Psychology, 52(9), 1422-1434. doi: 10.1037/dev0000142


Vieira, M., Fonseca, P., Amorim, M., & Teixeira, C. (2015). Call recognition and individual identification of fish vocalizations based on automatic speech recognition: An example with the Lusitanian toadfish. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(6), 3941-3950. doi: 10.1121/1.4936858


Zucoloto, M., Maroco, J., & Campos, J. B. (2014). Psychometric properties of the oral health impact profile and new methodological approach. Journal of Dental Research, 93(7), 645-650. doi: 10.1177/0022034514533798


Zucoloto, M., Maroco, J., & Campos, J. (2016). Impact of oral health on health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study. BMC Oral Health, 16(1), 55. doi: 10.1186/s12903-016-0211-2


Ciências Biológicas,204,203,200_.jpg


Hailman, J., & Strier, K.. (2006). Planning, proposing, and presenting science effectively: A guide for graduate students and researchers in the behavioral sciences and biology (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press,  237 pp. [B HAIL1].


Begon, M., Howarth, R., & Townsend, C. (2014). Essentials of ecology (4th   ed.). Hoboken: Wily, 440 pp. [B1 BEGO2].

Fernandes, E., Lavinha, J., Vaz, S., Ferreira, F., Gonçalves, E., Santos, F., … Oliveira,R. (2011). Partilhar o futuro. Lisboa: Esfera do Caos, 206 pp.  [B3 FERN1].

Lane, N. (2010). Life ascending: The ten great inventions of evolution. London: Profile Books,  344 pp  [B LANE/E1].


Meirinho, A. , Barros, N., Oliveira, N., Catry, P., Lecoq, M., Paiva, V., & … Andrade, J. (2014) Atlas das aves marinhas de Portugal . Lisboa: Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves. ISPA - Instituto Universitário : Museu Nacional de História Natural e Ciência, 231 pp. [B1 CATR1].


Pedroso, N., Santos, M., & Rosalino, L. (Eds.). (2012). Um olhar sobre os carnívoros Portugueses. Lisboa: Carnivora,252 pp. [ET LOUR1].

PORTUGAL, Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental . (2010). Campanha M@rBis 2010| Selvagens. Paço de Arcos: EMEPC, 2010. 237 pp. [B1 EMEP1].

PORTUGAL. Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental , (2013). Campanha PEPC | M@rBis 2011: Desertas, Madeira, Porto Santo, São Miguel, Formigas, Santa Maria. Paço de Arcos: EMEPC, 2013. 250 pp. [B1 EMEP2].

PORTUGAL. Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental . (2013). Campanha PEPC | M@rBis 2012 - 2014: Berlengas, Algarve e Arrábida. Paço de Arcos: EMEPC, 2013. 250 pp. [B1 EMEP3].

Queiroz, A., & Castro, I. (Coord.) (2011). Falas da terra no século XXI: What do we see green?. Lisboa: Esfera do Caos, 251 pp. [B3 QUEI1].

Teixeira, L. (2011). Verdes anos: História do ecoligismo em Portugal (1947-2011). Lisboa: Esfera do Caos, 2011. 281 pp. [B3 TEIX1].



Psicologia Clínica e Psicoterapias

Azevedo, M., & Maia, A. (2006). Maus-tratos à criança. Lisboa: Climepsi, 162 pp.  [C2 AZEV1].


Resultado de imagem para Terapia breve de apoio e expressividade emocional para mulheres com cancro da mama


Brandão, T.,  & Matos, P. (2015). Terapia breve de apoio e expressividade emocional para mulheres com cancro da mama. Porto: Universidade do Porto, 116 pp. [C5 BRAN1].


Fine, A. (Ed.). (2015). Handbook on animal-assisted therapy: Foundations and guidelines for animal-assisted interventions. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 427 pp. [C5 FINE1].

Mondimore, F. (2003). Perturbação bipolar: Guia para doentes e suas famílias. Lisboa: Climepsi, 315 pp. [C1 MOND1].





Burgess, A., Regehr, C., & Roberts, A. (2013). Victimology: Theories and applications. Burlington: Jones And Bartlett Learing, 590 pp. [C6 BURG1].

Newburn, T. (Ed.). (2003). Handbook of policing (2nd ed.). London: Routledge, 875 pp. [C6 NEWB1].

Newburn, T., (Ed.). (2009). Key readings in criminology. London: Routledge. 908 pp. [C6 NEWB2].


Saferstein, R. (2011). Criminalistics: An introduction to forensic science. Boston: Pearson,  551 pp. [C6 SAFE1].


Williams, A. (2015).Forensic criminology. London: Routledge, 437 pp. [C6 WILL1].


Psicologia da Saúde


Friedman, H. (Ed.) (2011). The Oxford handbook of health psychology. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 916 pp. [C7 FRIE/H2].

Matos, M., Simões, C., Camacho, I., & Reis, M. (2015). Relatório do estudo HBSC 2014: A saúde dos adolescentes portugueses em tempos de recessão - dados nacionais do estudo HBSC de 2014. Lisboa: Centro da Malária e Outras Doenças Tropicais, 205 pp. [C7 MATO/M4].

Rudnicki, T., Ramos, C., Patrão, I., & Pimenta, F. (Orgs.). (2015). Ciclo da vida da mulher: Intervenção cognitivo-comportamental na saúde e na doença. Novo Hamburgo: Sinopsys, 382 pp. [C7 RUDN2].


Psicologia Cognitiva & Metodologia


Ochsner, K., & Kosslyn, S. (Eds). (2014). The Oxford handbook of cognitive neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 621 pp. [P2 OCHS1].


Psicologia Organizacional


Schmitt, N. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of personnel assessment and selection. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 973 pp. [S2 SCHM1].




Baranger, M., & Baranger, W. (Eds.). (2009). The work of confluence: Listening and interpreting in the psychoanalytic field.  London : Karnac: International Psychoanalytic Association, 254 pp.  [C3 BARA2].

Bucci, W., & Freedman, N. (Eds.). (2007). From impression to inquiry: A tribute to the work of Robert Wallerstein. London: Karnac: Intenational Psychoanalytic Association, 280 pp. [C3 IPA2].

Calich, J., & Hinz, H. (2007). The unconscious: Further reflections. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytic Association, 243 pp. [C3 IPA5].

Donnet, J. (2009). The analyzing situation. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalitic Association, 199 p. [C3 DONN1].

Fiorini, L., & Canestri, J. (Eds.). (2009). The experience of time psychoanalytic perspectives. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytical Association, 200 pp. [C3 FIOR1].

Green, A. (2011). Illusions and disillusions pf psychoanalytic work. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytical Association, 218 pp. [C3 GREE/A8].

Hooke, M., & Akhtar, S. (Eds.). (2007). The geography of meanings: Psychoanalytic perspectives on place, space, land and dislocation. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalysis Library, 234 pp. [C3 HOOK1].

Kogan, I. (2007). Escape from selfhood: Breaking boundaries and craving for oneness. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytical Association, 106 pp. [C3 IPA4].

Lewkowicz, S., & Flechner, S. (Eds.). (2005). Truth, reality, and the psychoanalyst: Latin American contributions to psychoanalysis. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytical Association, (215): 308 pp. [C3 LEWK1].

Lewkowicz, S., & Flechner, S. (Eds.). (2005). Verdad, realidad y el psicoanalista: Contribuciones latinoamericanas al psicoanálisis. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytical Association, 316 pp. [C3 LEWK2].

Magalhães, E. (2015). Mística e psicanálise: Experiências do desejo e do amor do absoluto. Lisboa: Esfera do Caos, 207 pp. [C3 MAGA1].

Oliner, M. (2012).  Psychiq reality in context: Perspectives on psychoanalysis, personal history, and trauma. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytical Association, 142 pp. [C3 OLIN1].

Semi, A. (2007).  The conscious in psychoanalysis. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalytical Association, 124 pp. [C3 IPA3].

Sterba, R. (2013). The first dictionary of psychoanalysis: A gift for Sigmund Freud's 80th birthday. London: Karnac: International Psychoanalysis Library, 236 pp. [C3 STER/R1].

Stern, D. (2010). Partners in thought: Working with unformulated experience, dissociation, and enactement. New York: Routledge, 229 pp. [C3 STER1].

Varvin, S., & Volkan, V. (Eds.). (2003). Violência ou diálogo: Reflexões psicanalíticas sobre terror e terrorismo. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 269 pp. [C3 VARV1].

Wegner, P. (Ed.). (2006). Wolfgang Loch: The art of interpretation: Deconstruction and newbeginning in the psychoanalytic process. London: Karnac: Intenational Psychoanalytic Association, 107 pp. [C3 IPA1].


Psicologia & Educação


Carvalho, L., Almeida, I., Felgueiras, I-, Leitão, S., Boavida, J., Santos, P. … Franco, V. (2016). Práticas recomendadas em intervenção precoce na infância: Um guia para profissionais. Coimbra: Associação Nacional de Intervenção Precoce. 359 pp. [E1 ANIP1].

Gronita, J., Pimentel, J., Bernardo, A., Matos, C., Marques, J. (2016). E quando atendemos crianças... diferentes. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 64 pp. [E1 GRON2].

Pimentel, J. (2016). Redes que os pais tecem: Publicação do projecto oficinas de pais / bolsas de pais. Lisboa: Pais-em-Rede, 46 pp. [E1 PIME/J3].




Aleksievitch, S. (2015). O fim do homem soviético: um tempo de desencanto. Porto : Porto  Editora, 469 pp. [LT3 ALEK1].


Silva, A., (2016). A noite não é eterna.  Alfragide: Oficina do Livro, 198 pp.  [LT1 SILV/C9].


Silva, A. (2016). A mulher transparente. Dortmund: Oxalá,  114p. [LT1 SILV/C10].

Stilwell, A. (2016). A minha mãe tem o sol na barriga. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. [LT4 STIL1].


Teses de Doutoramento

Balola, M. (2015). Ecos emocionais das minhas memórias: Memórias autobiográficas voluntárias e involuntárias na depressão major. Lisboa: ISPA: Instituto Universitário, 272 pp. [TES BALO/M1].

Ferrajão, P. (2015). Da sobrevivência física à sobrevivência mental: Aspectos do funcionamento psíquico em ex-combatentes da guerra colonial portuguesa. Lisboa: ISPA: Instituto Universitário, 330 pp.  [TES FERR/P1].

Lucchesi, M. (2015). Parcerias jovens-adultos nas organizações: Contributos para o desenvolvimento positivo dos jovens. Lisboa : ISPA: Instituto Universitário , 256 pp. [TES LUCC/M1].

Monteiro, M. (2015). Contributos do modelo "Empowerment - Comunidade" para a mudança transformativa na saúde mental comunitária: Análise comparativa. Lisboa: ISPA: Instituto Universitário, 189 pp.  [TES MONT/MF1].

Soares, A. (2015). Psychological safety, authentic leadership and social networks: A psycho-structural approach to the study of groups. Lisboa: ISPA: Instituto Universitário, 144 pp. [TES SOAR1].


Periódicos Temáticos



Critical, cultural and historical perspectives on arts education [Número temático]/ Catarina Silva Martins & Thomas S. Popkewitz. Siyphus, 3(1), 2015. online: [R4].

Educação histórica e ensino de história [Número temático]. Educação - Revista do Centro de Educação, 40(3). 2015. online: [R4].

Empatia e compaixão: Da eminência à trancendêscia [Número temático].  Hospitalidade, 310, 2015. [R8].

Guerra [Número temático].  Colóquio Letras, 191, 2016. [R14].

Le sexuel infantile et ses destins: Spécial congrés [Número temático].  Revue Française de Psychanalyse, 79(5), 2015. [R9].

Mémoire [Número temático].  Revue Française de Psychanalyse, 80(2), 2016. [R9].

One planet residency: Perspectives on globalisation and education [Número temático]/ Laura Colucci-Gray & Donald Gray. Siyphus, 2(3), 2014. online: [R4],

Pourquoi la guerre? [Número temático]/ Françoise Coblence.  Revue Française de Psychanalyse, 80(1), 2016. [R9].

Territorial specificities of teaching and learning [Número temático]/ Roser Boix, Pierre Champollion & António M. Duarte. Siyphus, 3(2), 2015. online: [R4].

Vergilio Ferreira / Frederico Garcia Lorca [Número temático].  Colóquio Letras, 192, 2016. [R14].




Diamond, G. (2015). Attachment-based family therapy. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1 DVD [V1.2 DIAM1].

Fosha, D. (2013). Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) with a  male client. Washington: American  Psychological Association, 1 DVD [V1.2 FOHS1].

Freedheim, D. (2013). Short-term dynamic psychotherapy. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1 DVD [V1.2 FREE1].

Macwilliams, N. (2008).  Psychoanalytic therapy. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1 DVD  [V1.2 MACW1].

Messer, S. (2004). Brief dynamic therapy. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1 DVD [V1.2 MESS1].

Safran, J. (2008). Relational psychotherapy. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1 DVD [V1.2 CARL1].

Wachtel, P. (2007). Integrative relational psychotherapy. Washington: American Psychological Association,  1 DVD [V1.2 WACH1].

Wampold, B. (2011). Qualities and actions of effective therapists. Washington: American  psychological Association, 1 DVD  [V1.2 WAMP1].


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