
1| Abril 2018




Sousa, D. (2017). Existential Psychotherapy: A Genetic-Phenomenological Approach. New York; Palgrave Macmillan US, 231 p. doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-95217-5. E-book ISBN: 978-1-349-95217-5. [C5 SOUS2].

A ciência que por cá se faz


Alves, D., Amorim, M., & Fonseca, P. (2016). Assessing acoustic communication active space in the Lusitanian toadfish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219, 1122-1129. doi:10.1242/jeb.134981. [Repositório do ISPA].

Aniello, B., Semin, G., Alterisio, A., Aria, M., & Scandurra, A., (2017). Interspecies transmission of emotional information via chemosignals: From humans to dogs (canis lupus familiaris). Animal Cognition, 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s10071-017-1139-x. [Repositório do ISPA].

Ariccia, G., Phillips, R., Franeker, J., Gaidet, N., Catry, P., Granadeiro, J., … Bonadonna, F. (2017). Comment on “Marine plastic debris emits a keystone info chemical for olfactory foraging seabirds” by Savoca et al. Science Advances, 3, 1-3. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600395. [Repositório do ISPA].

Bárcia, S., Veríssimo, M., & Diniz, E. (2017). Infant massage improves attitudes toward childbearing, maternal satisfaction and pleasure in parenting. Infant Behavior and Development, 49, 114-119. doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2017.08.006. [Repositório do ISPA].

Brody, S., & Costa, R. (2017). Vaginal orgasm is associated with indices of women's better psychological, intimate relationship, and psychophysiological function. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 26(1), 1-4, doi:10.3138/cjhs.261-A3. [Repositório do ISPA].

Campioni, L., Granadeiro, J., & Catry, P, (2017). Albatrosses prospect before choosing a home: Intrinsic and extrinsic sources of variability in visit rates. Animal Behaviour, 128, 85-93. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.04.008. [Repositório do ISPA].

Campioni, L., Martínez-de la Puente, J., Figuerola, J., Granadeiro, J., Silva, M., & Catry, P. (2017). Absence of haemosporidian parasite infections in the long-lived Cory’s shearwater: evidence from molecular analyses and review of the literature. Parasitology Research, 1-7 doi:10.1007/s00436-017-5676-7. [Repositório do ISPA].

Cardoso, S., Gonçalves, D., Goesmann, A., Canário, A., Oliveira, Rui Filipe. (2017). Temporal variation in brain transcriptome is associated with the expression of female mimicry as a sequential male alternative reproductive tactic in fish. Molecular Ecology, 1-28 doi:10.1111/mec.14408. [Repositório do ISPA].

Catry, T., Figueira, P., Carvalho, L., Monteiro, R., Coelho, P., … Vale, C. (2017). Evidence for contrasting accumulation pattern of cadmium in relation to other elements in Senilia senilis and Tagelus adansoni from the Bijagós archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11. doi:10.1007/s11356-017-9902-8. [Repositório do ISPA].

Chabrolle, L., Ammar, I., Fernandez, M., Boyer, N., Attia, J., Fonseca, P., … Beauchaud, M. (2017). Appraisal of unimodal cues during agonistic interactions in Maylandia zebra., PeerJ, 1-17. doi:10.7717/peerj.3643. [Repositório do ISPA].

Chaves, P., Valdoria, C., Amorim, M., & Vasconcelos, R. (2017). Ontogenetic development of the inner ear saccule and utricle in the Lusitanian toadfish: Potential implications for auditory sensitivity. Hearing Research, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2017.06.008. [Repositório do ISPA].

Cordeiro, P., Ortuño, V., Paixão, M., Maroco, J. (2015). Reading a scientific paper for psychology and the social sciences: A critical guide. Psychology, Community & Health, 4(3), 114–122. doi: 10.5964/pch.v4i3.136. [Repositório do ISPA].

Faria, A., Filipe, S., Lopes, AF., Oliveira, A., Gonçalves, E., & Ribeiro, Laura. (2017). Effects of high pCO2 on early life development of pelagic spawning marine fish. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68(11) doi:10.1071/MF16385. [Repositório do ISPA].

Fiksenbaum, L., Marjanovic, Z., Greenglass, E., & Santos, F. (2017). Impact of economic hardship and financial threat on suicide ideation and confusion. Journal of Psychology 151(5), 477-495. doi: 10.1080/00223980.2017.1335686. [Repositório do ISPA].

Friedlander, A., Ballesteros, E., Clemente, S., Gonçalves, E., Estep, A., Rose, P., & Sala, E. (2017). Contrasts in the marine ecosystem of two Macaronesian islands: A comparison between the remote Selvagens Reserve and Madeira Island. PloS One 24(11), 1-24 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0187935. [Repositório do ISPA].

Gaspar, R., Antunes, D., Faria, A., & Meiszner, A. (2017). Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 134-142 doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.07.075. [Repositório do ISPA].

Lameiras, J., Martins, B., Almeida, P., García-Mas, A., & Garcia-Mas, A., (2017). Athletes Perception of Coaches’ Leadership Style and Tendency to Cooperate among Competitive Teams [Percepción de los deportistas sobre el estilo de liderazgo de los entrenadores y la tendencia a cooperar en equipos competitivos]. Acción Psicológica, 14(1), 79-92.  10.5944/ap.14.1.19264. [Repositório do ISPA].

Magliozzi, L., Almada, F., Robalo, J., Mollo, E., Polese, G., Gonçalves, E., … D'Aniello, B., (2017 ). Cryptic effects of biological invasions: Reduction of the aggressive behaviour of a native fish under the influence of an "invasive" biomolecule. PlosONE, 29. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0185620. [Repositório do ISPA].

Mata, A., (2016). Judgment of covariation: A review. Psicologia, 30(1), 61-74. doi: 10.17575/rpsicol.v30i1.1082. [Repositório do ISPA].

McInnes, J., Alderman, R., Lea, M., Raymond, B., Deagle, B., Phillips, R., … Jarman, S. (2017).  High occurrence of jellyfish predation by black-browed and Campbell albatross identified by DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology, 26 (18), 4831-4845. doi: 10.1111/mec.14245. [Repositório do ISPA].

Silva, W., Maroco, J., Ochner, C. & Campos, J. (2017). Male body dissatisfaction scale (MBDS): Proposal for a reduced model. Eating and Weight Disorders, 22(3), 515-525. doi: 10.1007/s40519-017-0420-y. [Repositório do ISPA].

Silva, W., Santana, M., Maroco, J., Maloa, B., & Campos, J. (2017). Body weight concerns: Cross-national study and identification of factors related to eating disorders. PLoS ONE, 12(7), 1-16. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180125. [Repositório do ISPA].

Ciências Biológicas



Berta, A., & Sumich, J. (2017). The rise of marine mammals: 50 years of evolution. Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press, 198 p. ISBN 978-1-4214-2325-8. [B1 BERT/A1].


De Wall, F. (2007). Chimpazee politics: Power and sex among apes. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 235 p. ISBN 978-0-8018-8646-0. [ET DEWA5].

Hogan, J. (2017). The study of behavior: Organization, methods, and principles. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 371 p. ISBN 978-1-107-19197-6. [ET HOGA1].


Joy, M. (2010). Why we love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows. San Francisco: Conari Press, 208 p. ISBN 978-1-57324-505-0. [ET JOY1].


Psicoterapia e Psicopatologia



Brown, T., &  Barlow, D. (2017). Casebook in abnormal psychology (5th ed). Boston: Cengage Learning, 302 p. ISBN 978-1-305-971-71-4. [C1 BROW1].

Delbrouck, M. (2006). Síndrome de exaustão (burnout). Lisboa: Climepsi, 270 p. ISBN 972-796-228-9. [C1 DELB1].


Frankl, V. (2005). Um psicólogo no campo de concentração. Lisboa: Aster, 110 p. [C5 FRAN/V2].


Sims, A. (2003). Symptoms in the mind: An introduction to descriptive psychopathology (3rd ed). Edinburgh: Saunders, 451 p. ISBN 0-7020-2627-1. [C1 SIMS1].


Sousa, D. (2017). Existential psychotherapy: A genetic-phenomenological approach. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 232 p. ISBN 978-1-349-95216-8. [C5 SOUS2].


Zimerman, D. (2004). Manual de técnica psicanalítica: Uma re-visão. Porto Alegre: ArtMed , 471 p. ISBN 978-85-363-0282-9. [C3 ZIME4].


Psicologia da Saúde e Literacia em Saúde

  Numerical Reasoning in Judgments and Decision Making about Health


Anderson, B., & Schulkin, J. (Eds.). (2014). Numerical reasoning in judgments and decision making about health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 313 p. ISBN 978-1-107-04094-6. [C7 BRIT1].


Andrasik, F., Goodie, J., & Peterson, A. (Eds.). (2015). Biopsychosocial assessment in clinical health psychology. New York: The Guilford Press, 512 p. ISBN 978-1-4625-1773-2. [C7 ANDR1].

Dunn, P., Margaritis, V., & Conard, S. (2017). The health literacy instructional model. Balti: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 93 p. ISBN 978-3-330-19612-4. [C7 DUNN1].

Kline, J. (2017). The 60-minute guide to heatk literacy: A common sense approach to informed medical decision making. West des Moines: Providentia Publishing, 80 p. ISBN 978-0-692-955506-2. [C7 KLIN1].




Leal, I., Humboldt, S., Ramos, C., Valente, A., & Ribeiro, J. (Eds.). (2018). 12º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde: Promover e Inovar em Psicologia da Saúde: Actas. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 838 p. ISBN: 978-972-8384-47-8. Disponivel em: [e-BOOK].

Santos, M. (2010). Vivência parental da doença crónica: Estudo sobre a experiência subjectiva da doença em mães das crianças com fibrose quística e com diabetes. Lisboa: Colibri: Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, 331 p. ISBN 978-972-772-963-0. [C7 SANT/M1].

Schaeffer, D., &  Pelikan J. (Org.).  (2017). Health literacy: Forschungsstand und perspektiven. Berna: Hogref AG, 2017. [C7 SCHA/D1].

Schonfeld, I., & Chang, C. (2017). Occupational health psychology. New York: Springer Publshing Company, 355 p. ISBN 978-0-8261-9967-6. [C7 SCHO1].

Zarcadoolas, C., Pleasent, A., & Greer, D. (2006). Advancing health literacy: A framework for understanding and action. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 368 p. ISBN 978-0-7875-8433-5. [C7 ZARC1].


Psicologia da Educação e Desenvolvimento


Antier, E. (2002). Eu ajudo o meu filho a concentrar-se (2ª ed). Coimbra: Quarteto, 235 p. ISBN 972-8535-16-3. [E2 ANTI1].

Ausubel, D. (2003). Aquisição e retenção de conhecimentos: Uma perspectiva cognitiva. Lisboa: Plátano, 219 p. ISBN 972-707-364-6. [E2 AUSU2].

Corno, L., &  Anderman, E. (Eds.). (2016) Handbook of educational psychology. Routledge: New York. 481 p. ISBN 978-0-415-89482-1. [E2 CORN1].


Feinstein, S. (Ed.). (2007). Learning and the brain: A comprehensive guide for educators, parents, and teachers. Plymouth: Roweman & Littlefield Education, 554 p. ISBN 978-1-57886-615-1. [E2 FEIN1].


Metodos de Investigação


Resultado de imagem para APA Style simplified: Writing in psychology, education, nursing and sociology


Beins, B. (2012). APA Style simplified: Writing in psychology, education, nursing and sociology. Malden: John Wiley & Sons, 202 p. ISBN 978-0-470-67123-6. [M BEIN1].

Beins, B., & Beins, A. (2012).  Effective writing in psychology: Papers, posters, and presentations (2nd ed.). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 292 p. ISBN 978-0-470-67244-0. [M BEIN2].

Kail, R. (2015). Scientific writing for psychology: Lessons in clarity and style. Los Angeles: SAGE, 135 p. ISBN 978-1-4833-5304-3. [M KAIL1].

Kost, C. (2015). Student quick reference success guide to writing in the APA 6th Edition Style. Presto: Kost Services, 34 p. ISBN 978-1-329-13206-1. [M KOST1].

Mulie, H. (2012). An easy guide to a research methodology: A simplified approach of research methods and techniques. Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 146 p. ISBN 978-3-659-26926-4. [M MULI1].

Parson, V. (2012). Study and communication for skills psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 211 p. ISBN 978-0-19-959348-4. [M PARS1].

Singh, A., & Lukkarila, L. (2017). Successful academic writing: A complete guide for social and behavioral scientists. New York: Guilford Press, 260 p. ISBN 978-1-4625-2939-1. [M SING1].


Psicologia Geral e Conitiva


Resultado de imagem para Critical thinking skills: Effective analysis, argument and reflection


Cottre, S. (2017). Critical thinking skills: Effective analysis, argument and reflection (3rd ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave, 309 p. ISBN 978-1-137-55050-7. [P1 COTT1].

Damásio, A. (2017). A estranha ordem das coisas: A vida, os sentimentos e as culturas humanas. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 381 p. ISBN 978-989-644-334-4. [P1 DAMA6].

Forshaw, M. (2012). Critical thinking for psychology: A student guide. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 136 p. ISBN 978-1-405-19117-3. [P1 FORS1].

Kagan, J. (2006). An argument for mind. New Haven: Yale University Press, 287 p. ISBN 978-0-300-12603-7. [P1 KAGA1].





Fink, G. (Ed.). (2016). Stress: Concepts, cognition, emotion, and behavior. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 487 p. Vol. 1: Handbook of Stress. ISBN 978-0-12-800951-2. [P3 FINK4].

Fink, G. (Ed.). (2017). Stress: Neuroendocrinology and neurobiology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 445 p. Vol. 2: Handbook of Stress. ISBN 978-0-12-802175-0. [P3 FINK5].


National Research Academy of the National Academies. (2008). Emerging cognitive neuroscience and related technologies. Washington: N.R.A.N.A., 194 p. ISBN 978-0-309-11894-1. [P3 CMIM1].


Psicologia Organizacional

Resultado de imagem para Poder: Veneno e remédio

Cunha, M., Rego, A., & Quinote, A. (2017). Poder: Veneno e remédio. Lisboa: Lidel, 312 p. ISBN 978-989-752-272-7. [S2 CUNH/M18].

Fernandes, J., Batista, L., Boque, N., Reis, D., Caçola, M., Filipe, F., & Caetano, J. (Coords.). (2013). Gestão de tempo. Lisboa: Escolar Editora, 71 p. ISBN 978-972-592-380-1. [S2 FERR/F1].

Sacramento, O., & Ribeiro, F. (Org.). (2016). Planeta SIDA: Diversidade, políticas e respostas sociais. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Húmus, 306 p. ISBN 978-989-755-234-2. [S2 SACR1].


Ciências Sociais e Humanas


Resultado de imagem para Deficientes das forças armadas: A geração da rutura


ADFA. (2017). Deficientes das forças armadas: A geração da rutura. Lisboa: Edições Parsifal, 1058 p. ISBN 978-989-8760-40-1. [SO ADFA1].


Arte & Literatura



Coelho, J. (2017). Os loucos da Rua Mazur. Lisboa: Leya, 311 p. ISBN 978-989-457-8. [LT1 COEL/J1].


Geada, M. (2017). Eça de Queiroz: Do outro lado do espelho. Lisboa : Chiado Editora, 147 p. ISBN 978-989-51-9188-8. [LT GEAD1].


Herberto, L., & Melo, A. (2017). As máscaras de Alex: Luis Herberto: Exposição na Galeria Malangatana, Novembro 2017, ISPA. Lisboa: ISPA - Instituto Universitário, 58 p. ISBN 978-989-8384-46-1. [ART HERB1].


Periódicos temáticos


Adolescence et orientation (2) [Número temático]/ Lyda Lannegrand-Willems et Emmanuelle Vignoli. Orientation Scolaire et Profissionnelle. 46(2), 2017. [R3].



  couverture de E_BUPSY_549

Centenaire de Ribot [Número temático]/ Dominique Makowski, Serge Nicolas. Bulletin de psychologie. 70 (3), 2017. [R1].

Comunicar é tratar: O silêncio é de ouro [Número temático]. Hospitalidade. 317, 2017. [R8].


 couverture de E_RFP_815

Interpréter. [Número temático] / Emmanuelle Chervet. Revue Française de Psychanalyse, 81(5), 2017.



L’ennui [Número temático]/ Vassilis Kapsambelis, Hélène Suarez-Labat. Revue Française de Psychanalyse. 81(4), 20017. [R9].

Les reconversions professionnelles: Processus psychologiques contextes et dispositifs d’accompagnement [Número temático]/ Jonas Masdonati. Orientation Scolaire et Profissionnelle. 46(3), 2017. [R3].

Modelos de intervenção [Número temático]. Hospitalidade. 316, 2017. [R8].


Perspectives pédopsychiatriques [Número temático]/ Michel Wawrzyniak. Bulletin de psychologie, 70(6), 2017. [R1].


Rôle de l’incertitude dans la construction sociale des problématiques environnementales [Número temático]/ Élisabeth Michel-Guillou. Bulletin de psychologie, 70 (2), 2017. [R1].

Transitionnalité et sublimation [Número temático]/ Jean-François Gouin, Isabelle Martin Kamieniak. Revue Française de Psychanalyse. 81(3), 20017. [R8].




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