
1 | Fevereiro 2016
A ciência que por cá se faz


Aires, R., Oliveira, G., Oliveira, T., Res, A., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Dear enemies elicit lower androgen responses to territorial challenges than unfamiliar intruders in a cichlid fish. Plos one, 10(9), e0137705. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137705


Alonso, H., Almeida, A., Granadeiro, J., & Catry, P. (2015). Temporal and age-related dietary variations in a large population of yellow-legged gulls Larus michahellis: Implications for management and conservation. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 61(6), 819-829. doi: 10.1007/s10344-015-0958-9

Batista, M., Costa, B., Goncalves, L., Henriques, M., Erzini, K., Caselle, J., Gonçalves, E., & Cabral, H. (2015). Assessment of catches, landings and fishing effort as useful tools for MPA management. Fisheries Research, 172, 197-208. doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2015.07.020


Campos, J., Spexoto, M., Serrano, S., & Marôco, J. (2016). Psychometric characteristics of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-general when applied to brazilian cancer patients: A cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Health and Quality Of Life Outcomes, 14(8), doi: 10.1186/s12955-015-0400-8


Carvalheira, A., Santana, R., & Pereira, N. M. (2015). Why are men satisfied or dissatisfied with penile implants? A mixed method study on satisfaction with penile prosthesis implantation. Journal Of Sexual Medicine, 12(12), 2474-2480. doi: 10.1111/jsm.13054

Coimbra, Z., Assis, C., Silva, V., & Santos, M (2016). Mark-recapture abundance estimate of tucuxi dolphins (Sotalia fluviatilis) in a lake system of the Central Amazon. Marine Mammal Science, 32(1), 241-251. doi: 10.1111/mms.12254


Fagundes, T., Simões, M., Saraiva, J., Ros, A., Goncalves, D., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Birth date predicts alternative life-history pathways in a fish with sequential reproductive tactics. Functional Ecology, 29(12), 1533-1542. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12465


Ferrajão, P., & Oliveira, R. A. (2016). Portuguese war veterans: Moral injury and factors related to recovery from PTSD. Qualitative Health Research, 26(2), 204-214. doi: 10.1177/1049732315573012


Garcia-Marques, T., Fernandes, A., Prada, M., Fonseca, R., & Haga, S. (2015). Seeing the big picture: Size perception is more context sensitive in the presence of others. Plos One, 10(11), e0141992. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141992


Garcia-Marques, T., Fonseca, R., & Blascovich, J. (2015). Familiarity, challenge, and processing of persuasion messages. Social Cognition, 33(6), 585-604. doi: 10.1521/soco.2015.33.6.585


Goncalves, A., Sousa, L. Duarte-Coelho, P., & Almada, V. (2015). Tidal variation in a rocky inter-tidal fish population: the case of white seabream Diplodus sargus juveniles. Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective, 36(4), 1468-1471.  doi: 10.1111/maec.12216

Humboldt, S., & Leal, I. (2015). Disclosing the challenges of older clients in person-centered therapy: The client’s perspective. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 14(3), 248-261. doi: 10.1080/14779757.2015.1058290

Humboldt, S., & Leal, I. (2015). The old and the oldest-old: Do they have different perspectives on adjustment to aging?. International Journal of Gerontology, 9(3), 156-160. doi: 10.1016/j.ijge.2015.04.002


Kulczykowska, E., Cardoso, S., Gozdowska, M., Andre, G., Paula, J., Slebioda, M., Oliveira, R., &  Soares, M. (2015). Brain levels of nonapeptides in four labrid fish species with different levels of mutualistic behavior. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 222, 99-105).  doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.06.005

Lopes, J, Abril-de-Abreu, R., & Oliveira, R., (2015). Brain transcriptomic response to social eavesdropping in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Plos One, 10(12), e0145801. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145801

Lourenço, R., Delgado, M., Campioni, L., Korpimaki, E., & Penteriani, V. (2015). Evaluating the influence of diet-related variables on breeding performance and home range behaviour of a top predator. Population Ecology, 57(4), 625-636. doi:10.1007/s10144-015-0506-1


Martins, E., Osorio, A., Verissimo, M, & Martins, C. (2016). Emotion understanding in preschool children: The role of executive functions. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 40(1), 1-10.  doi: 10.1177/0165025414556096


Pechorro, P., Ayala-Nunes, L., Nunes, C., Marôco, J., & Gonçalves, R. A. (2016). The social anxiety scale for adolescents: Measurement invariance and psychometric properties among a school sample of portuguese youths. Child Psychiatry And Human Development. doi: 10.1007/s10578-016-0627-6

Pechorro, P., Marôco, J., Ray, J., & Goncalves, R. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11 among a Portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders. Psychology Crime & Law, 21(9), 854-870. doi: 10.1080/1068316X.2015.1054386


Pimenta, F.,  Maroco, J., Ramos, C., & Leal, I. (2015). Hot flushes and night sweats in midlife: Why do some women have them and others do not?. Psicologia - Reflexão e Critica, 28(4), 753-763. doi: 10.1590/1678-7153.201528413

Pinto, A., Verissimo, M., Gatinho, A., Santos, A., & Vaughn, B. (2015). Direct and indirect relations between parent-child attachments, peer acceptance, and self-esteem for preschool children. Attachment & Human Development, 17(6), 586-598. doi: 10.1080/14616734.2015.1093009

Ponchon, A., Chambert, T., Lobato, E., Tveraa, T., Gremillet, D., & Boulinier, T. (2015). Breeding failure induces large scale prospecting movements in the black-legged kittiwake. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 473, 138-145. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.08.013

Rodrigues, D., Costa, B., Cabral, H., & Goncalves, E. (2015). Habitat associations and behavioural patterns of Symphodus spp. (Pisces: Labridae). Acta Ethologica, 18(3), 269-282 doi: 10.1007/s10211-015-0212-1

Seruca, T., & Silva, C. (2015). Recidivist criminal behaviour and executive functions: A comparative study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 26(5), 699-717.  doi: 10.1080/14789949.2015.1054856


Silva, J. & Silva, M. (2015). Colaboração entre professores e auto eficácia docente: Que relações?. Revista Portuguesa de Educação. 28(2), 87-109. handle: 10400.12/4279

Stefanni, S., Castilho, R., Sala-Bozano, M., Robalo, J., Francisco, S., Santos, R., Marques, N., Brito, A., Almada, V., & Mariani, S. (2015). Establishment of a coastal fish in the Azores: recent colonisation or sudden expansion of an ancient relict population?. Heredity, 115(6), 527-537. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2015.55

Teles, M., Almeida, O., Lopes, J., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Social interactions elicit rapid shifts in functional connectivity in the social decision-making network of zebrafish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 282(1816), 20151099. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.1099

Vasconcelos, R., Alderks, P., Ramos, A., Fonseca, P., Amorim, M., & Sisneros, J.  (2015). Vocal differentiation parallels development of auditory saccular sensitivity in a highly soniferous fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(18), 2864-2872. doi: 10.1242/jeb.123059


Vicente, J., Fonseca, P. & Amorim, M. (2015). Effects of temperature on sound production in the painted goby Pomatoschistus pictus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 473, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.08.003


Vieira, M., Fonseca, P., Amorim, M., Teixeira, C. (2015). Call recognition and individual identification of fish vocalizations based on automatic speech recognition: An example with the Lusitanian toadfish. Journal of The Acoustical Society of America, 138(6), 3941-3950. doi: 10.1121/1.4936858

Zucoloto, M., Maroco, J., & Campos, J. (2015). Psychometric properties of the multidimensional pain inventory applied to Brazilian patients with orofacial pain. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache, 29(4). 363-369. doi: 10.11607/ofph.1481


Ciências Biológicas



Lesk, A. (2012). Introduction to genomics (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford

University Press, 397 pp. [B LESK2].


Roth, G. (2013). The long evolution of brains and minds. Dordrecht: Springer, 320 pp. [B2 ROTH1].

Wynne, C., & Udell, M. (2013). Animal cognition: Evolution, behavior and cognition (2nd ed.). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 346 pp. [ET WYNN1].


Zimmer, C., & Emlen, D. (2016). Evolution: Making sense of life. Greenwood: Roberts and Company,  707 pp. [B2 ZIMM1].



Psiquiatria / Psicanálise



Anunciação, C. (2010). Coping e stress traumático em combatentes. Lisboa: Liga dos Combatentes, 175 pp. [C1 ANUN1].


Ferro, J., & Pimentel, J. (Coord.). (2013). Neurologia fundamental: Princípios, diagnóstico e tratamento (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Lidel, 289 pp. [C7 FERR1].


Figueira, M. , Sampaio, D., & Afonso, P. (Coord.). (2014). Manual de psiquiatria clínica: De acordo com DSM-5. Lisboa: Lidel, 453 pp. [C1 FIGU1].


Luzes, P. (2011). Ensaio sobre as perturbações do pensamento em clínica psicanalítica. Lisboa: Fenda, 159 pp. [C3 LUZE4].


Milheiro, J. (2015). Analista de interiores... misteriosidades. Lisboa: Âncora, 263 pp. [C3 MILH/J3].

Rente, F. (2012). Psicopatologia da arte. Aveleda: Quidnovi, 166 pp. [C1 RENT1].


Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise (2014). Pessoa em análise: Homenagem a Celeste Malpique. Lisboa: Fenda, 161 pp. [C3 FARA2].





Lambert, M. (Ed.). (2013). Bergin and Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (6th ed.). Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, 850 pp.  [C5 LAMB2].


Norcross, J., (Ed.). (2002). Psychotherapy relationships that work: Therapist contributions and responsiveness to patients. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 452 pp.   [C5 NORC1].

Wampold, B., & Imel, Z. (2015). The great psychotherapy debate: The evidence for what makes psychotherapy work (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge,  323 pp. [C5 WAMP1].



Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Educação



Berthelsen, D., Bwnlee, J., & Johanson, E. (Eds.). (2009). Participatory learning in the early years: Research and pedagogy. New York: Routledge, 218 pp. [E2 BERT1].


Laursen, B., Little, T., & Card, N. (Eds.). (2012). Handbook of developmental research methods. New York: The Guilford Press, 788 pp. [D LAUR1 [INVEST].


Matos, M. (coord.). (2015). Adolescents: Navigant en sûreté sur des eaux inconnues. Lisboa : Coisas de Ler, 378 pp. [D MATO1].

Saracho, O. (Ed.). (2015). Handbook of research methods in early childhood education (vol. II: Review of Research). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing, 761 pp.  [D SARA2 [INVEST].

Skallerup, S. (Org.). (2015). Bebés com trisomia 21: Novo guia para pais. Alfragide: Texto Editora, 430 pp.  [D SKAL1].





Lindsay, R., Ross, D., Read, J., & Toglia, M. (Eds.). (2007).  Handbook of eyewitness psychology (vol. I: Memory for events). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 703 pp. [C6 LIND2].


Lindsay, R., Ross, D., Read, J., & Toglia, M. (Eds.). (2007). Handbook of eyewitness psychology (vol. II: Memory for people). New York: Psychology Press, 601 pp. [C6 LIND1].

Weiner, I., & Otto, R. (Eds.). (2014). The handbook of forensic psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 923 pp. [C6 WEIN1].






Agostino, M. (2013). Practical bioinformatics. New York: Garland Science,  365 pp. [B AGOS1].

Gentleman, R. (2009). R programming for bioinformatics. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 314 pp. [B GENT1].


Higgs, P. & Attwood, T. (2012). Bioinformatics and molecular evolution.  Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 365 pp. [B HIGG1].


Lesk, A. (2008). Introduction to bioinformatics (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 474 pp. [B LESK1 ].


Marshall, C. (Ed.).  (2015). Handbook of bioinformatics. New York: Callisto Reference. 199 pp. [B MARS1].


Mount, D. (2004).  Bioinformatics: Sequence and genome analysis (2nd ed.). New York «: Cold Spring Hatbor Laboratory,  692 pp. [ B MOUN1].

Penzner, P., &  Shamir, R. (Eds.). (2013). Bioinformatics for biologists. New York: Cambridge University Press, 362 pp. [B PEVZ1].


Ciências Sociais



Carr, N. (2012). Os superficiais: O que a internet está a fazer aos nossos cérebros. Lisboa: Gradiva, 320 pp. [SO CARR/N1].


Han, B. (2014). A sociedade do cansaço. Lisboa: Relógio D'água, 57 pp. [SO HAN1].



Comportamento Organizacional



Berger, J. (2014). Contágio: Porque é que as coisas pegam?. Lisboa: Clube Autor,  233 pp. [S2 BERG1].


Kawasaki, G. (2011). Encantamento: A arte de criar emoções, ideias e atitudes vencedoras. Portela: Vogais, 223 pp. [S2 KAWA1].

Reis, H. , & Judd, C. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology (2n. Ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press, 744 pp. [M REIS/H2].



Psicologia Cognitiva / Neurociências


Decery, J., & Cacioppo, J. (Ed.). (2015). The Oxford handbook of social neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press, 1099 pp.  [P3 DECE1].


Reisberg, D., (Ed.). (2013). The Oxford handbook of cognitive psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1075 pp. [P2 REIS/D2].


Sáiz, M. (Coord.). (2009). Historia de la psicologia. Barcelona: Editorial UOC, 417 pp. [P1 RYAN1].



Periódicos temáticos




100 anos da International Psychoanalitycal Association: Colóquio In-tolerância, a in-suportavel diferença. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 30(2), 2010. [R9]


Empatia e compaixão: da eminência à trancendêscia [Número temático]. Hospitalidade, 310, 2015. [R8].

Guerra [Número temático]. Colóquio Letras, 191, 2016. [R11]


O homem e o(s) jogo(s). Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 29(2). 2009. [R9]

Homenagem a Pedro Luzes. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 32(1), (2012). [R9]


Le sexuel infantile et ses destins: Spécial comgrés [Número temático]. Revue Française de Psychanalyse, 69(5), 2015. [R9]






Carita, A. (2015). Testemunhas de bullying em contexto escolar - Ciclo de Conferências do ISPA. Lisboa; ISPA.


ISPA . IU (2015). Sessão Solene de Abertura do Ano Lectivo 2015-2016. Lisboa: ISPA.





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